yay i've graduated! pics would be up soon(i think. heehee lazy la)
haiz i actually forgot yj's bdae. she nv mention anything also. when i found out, she was saying 'its okay.' i was like whatttttttttttttttt!! bday leh. haiz so busy nowadays to rmb something so impt. so yj if ure reading this pls tell me when ure off! so we can go out and celebrate =))
have been buying alot of stuffs recently.
-1 pair of black shoes[$21.90]
-1 op spag top[$11.90]
-1 bronze bag[$13]
-1 white long sleeved shirt[$32]
-1 purple dress[$12.90] cheap!
-1brown dress[$11] cheap! total: $102.70
wa when did i become such a spendthrift. hmmm. and also, when did i start wearing dresses?! people change. i change. you change.we just have to be flexible and adapt to changes. omg why am i saying all these. -_-" abit random.
joy. tml i PM shift. sat im AM shift and after that im celebrating sui's bday at nite. the morning after which is sunday, im AM shift. wow. joyyyyyyyyyyy.
i wanna get a tv in my room. any cheap cheap ones out there to intro? argh. again im spending. omg! pay day is coming in a few days time! retail therapy for stressed up me! yay! =DD
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Posted by
8:29 AM
Sunday, May 11, 2008
i've survived 1 mth of hell. YAY! CHEERS! -_-"
=D grabbed this from shikin's blog.(sadly diyana's not here)
its has been nearly a month since i've started wk. orientation-doing junior wk-taking cases. its so stress esp the part on taking cases. doctors, pts relatives, in fact, all the ppl there expect you to know everything. *sighs. sometimes i wonder if i can even tahan though 1 year of this. but when i finish each shift of wk, i'll think this to myself', hey i've done my best, theres nothing you can do already. maybe i can do better tml. this is wad keeps me going on in that hellhole. so the vicious cycle continues, forcing and dragging my feet to wk everyday.
btw im looking forward the 22/5!!! grad day!! wear the harry potter gown. woooooooooo~! ^^
Posted by
12:33 AM