went to my cousin's(whom i nv knew) wedding dinner. initally i didnt wanna go, but when i heard it was at marina mandarin, i changed my mind, thinking that food there would be fantastic HAHAHA.
it was real nice looking up.

couple cutting cake.

the food was so so leh.. i give it a 57/100. wa lao the portion for every course was so LITTLE.. i think the best of all was the sharks fin soup, mango sago dessert and the wine.
im starting to love wine O.o

keep going to the toilet after drinking the wine. while going back, there's this mini orchestra playing
CANON!!! omg! LUCKY!! it's so nice! listening to it made me so happy sia =D i stayed till they finished playing. my table ppl must be thinking that im shitting or something y taking such a long time hahaha.


bro & me!

angie & me!

cousins =)


it was hard taking this pic.. see that guy's happy drunk face ARGH -_-"

the wedding gifts! cute(^^,)

congratulated the newly weds and really hoped they'll live happily ever after. sometimes i really hate going wedding dinners, cuz it makes me wanna get married too >.<~ hahaha
-TATA! \(^.^)/-
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