Saturday, December 6, 2008

beautiful city lights.

so psychedelic right?

wow. somehow i always thought ppl who are observant are powerful. maybe its due to their ability to see through ppl and spot invisble worries or hidden weaknesses. it will be even worst if they're scheming cuz you'll never(EVER) guess what they're thinking the next millisecond. scary hor?

well, somehow god seems to be arranging me to meet these type of ppl anytime, anywhere, be it workplace, society. HAHAHAH, indeed, life can be SO unpredictable sometimes(in good & bad ways)

but hey, what can i say more in this? my bestie is one of the observant peeps. and the wonderful thing is: i LOVE her! woots! :)))

contradicting? i know! lucky im born random enough to accept these things =D

elvin ng & rui en. both my fave artises =]

man wu 慢舞 (CD Version) - Rui En 瑞恩

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