went to lil' india today with farid & ruzie. so shiok man we ate this veg meal at this cool place, in which you collect your food by queue numbers. wtf right? its like polyclinics! lol the counter beeps your number, you collect your food. and the food was right-in-your-face-awesome man. money spent there is downright worthwhile.
we also ate these indian sweets from this charming old man stall. omgosh that uncle had such a charming smile and his speaking of english with such thick accent just sweeps me off my feet. okay lah just take all my money lah i dont mind buying your shop just rob me lah.
a great day spent i think. but at the end of the day, i cant help feeling fat. the butterfly flabs on my arms & the sausage rolls on my tummy seemed to be smiling at me. wa lao seriously after cny i think im going horizontal. hmm must not! must not must not.
OKAYS. all set. im all psyched up to lose weight!
YEAH! :)
ive have my bro's card with me. yesssssssssssssssssssss.
kelly clarksons new song: My Life Would Suck Without You
cannot embed it from youtube, but do check it out. it has got a catchy tune :))
Friday, January 30, 2009
a good day spent :)
Posted by
7:26 AM
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
watched the wedding game today! i thought the jokes were quite funny. loves the part where christopher hangs ever one of fann's soft toys and rips of the poor lion's head. LOL! so LAME can. im so gonna buy the vcd when its out. there's alot of funny situations in this movie, i do recommend you guys watch it too! Fann is so pretty(wow her skin omgosh; micheal jackson of mediacorp.. oopps!!) i think girls(and gay guys too) will scream aloud for chrissy body.
i hope saturday goes well. i hope everyday goes well!
Posted by
8:29 AM
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Harukanaru Toki no Naka de - Haruka Kimi ni Moto e - Morimura Tenma (Seki Tomokazu), Inori (Takahashi Naozumi), Nagareyama Shimon
永遠(いつ)までも 傍にいて 大切な人よ
君だけを ずっと 探し続けていた
幾千の暗闇(よる)を越え 邂逅(めぐりあ)えたから
決して もう離さない 君の身心(すべて)を
I'll always be by your side, my precious person,
I'll always continue searching for you,
I met you crossing a thousand nights
I'll never ever let go of you again
Posted by
5:40 AM
Saturday, January 17, 2009
yeahhh i finally watched keluar baris like after so long.. at SMU film fest. i thought the short film was kinda plain, yet heartwarming. the director and main actor was there too! how lucky to see them upfront and real! really look forward to boo jf's next film; tanjong rhu. oooo love short films! support local directors!
ive been thinking alot nowadays. work, family, friends, work again, health etc etc. so much so that i didnt realise my hair has grown long! LOL. i used to keep wishing my tresses would grow fast, now that i dont pay attention to it, it has grown so long already.
went swimming alone today, as usual, yishun safra. love the smell of chlorine, the brillant blue of the water, the feeling of your entire body submerged into it. makes me forget all my troubles and results in a dead tired me so i can sleep well during the night =]
hmm nowadays im thinking of going for a simple dermal piercing.. saw this guy in nike shop, his piercing has been on my mind ever since. so nice! its like a sparkle forever blinking on his hand. hmmmmmmmmm.
Posted by
7:09 AM
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
how i wish i was in that dept!
Posted by
7:02 AM
Friday, January 9, 2009
100 ans for 100 qns.
grabbed from ain's site. was so bored gosh.
1.Full Name: lim(lin) qian ling
2.Nicknames: ah bong(sec ppls shd noe), qin qin(triplets shd noe)
3.Age: 21 this yr(omg)
4.Gender: Female
5.Where do You Live: sem.
6.Relationship status: sing sing gal gal.
7.Siblings: elder bro.
8.Pets: 2 cute turtles.
9.Screen name: qianlinggg.
11.Hair Color: BLACK.
12.Hair length: 5cm beyond the shoulders.
13.Eye Color: BLACK(again)
14.Height: 1.67m.
15.Piercings: 4.
16.Tattoos: 0.
17.Shoe Size: i dont know.
18.Jeans Size: 30(what! i've got big butt k)
19.Make-Up: eyeliner & lip balm.
20.Dye Your Hair: dyed before.. wanna dye purple if my job allows.
21.Food: ALOT.
22.Drink: plain green tea(strictly no jasmine in it)
23.Color: im a rainbow person.
24.Store: i dig unique buys. dont care the store.
26.Kind Of Alcohol: with cranberry juice would be nice.
27.Ice Cream Flavor: paddle pop.
28.Book: teenage textbook; melting of the ice cream girl.
29.Season: cold weathers.
30.Video Game: pet society on face book? hahah.
31.Smoked a cigarette: NEVER.
32.Done Any Drugs: NO.
33.Gotton Drunk: hmm light-headed yes. drunk no.
34.Gone Skinny Dipping: no, but it'll be nice to try.
35.Bonged a beer: huh whats bonged.
36.Had Sex: no.
37.Kissed Same Sex: yeah.
38.Done Anything Sexual With Same Sex: oh NO.
39.Eaten Sushi: loved it.
40.Broken A Bone: Never.
41.Like Your Handwriting: so-so.
42.Have Any Bad Habits: duhhhh; who doesnt have.
43.Hate Yourself: sometimes.
44.Shy: sometimes.
45.Tolerant Of Others: i have a limit too.
46.Aggressive Or Passive: both.
47.Have A Journal: Yes, my own personal diary.
48.Emotionally Strong: no, but ppl around me think i am.
49.Read The News Paper: Yes! so impt.
50.Confident: 65.7%?
51.Is There A God: Yes!!
52.Does He Have A Gender: nobody knows.
53.Do Ghosts Exists: God knows.
54.What About Witches: DONT CARE.
55.Miracles: yeahh.
56.What Do You Think About Abortion?: either give birth to it or beat that mf up.
57.Premarital Sex: NOOO! STRONGLY OBJECT.
58.Life On Other Planets: maybe.
59.Porn: just dont let me know.
60.Cosmetic Surgery: if you have the $, why not? just dont go too extreme yea.
61.Sing Well: hahah you be the judge.
62.Play An Instrument: does recorder count?
63.Write Well: maybe.
64.Skateboard: nope.
65.Take A Shot Without A Chaser: huh?
66.Say the Alphabet Backwards: cant.
67.Snow Board: woah wanna try it.
68.Juggle: 2 is fine. 3 no.
69.Do A Split: u want me to get laceration.
70.Draw: yes.
71.Plan On Marriage: Yes of course.
72.Kids: Yes, lots and lots of it.
73.And Their Names: i'll like jean for a girl, boy would be maybe.. matthew?
74.Occupation: nurse? maybe?
75.Where You Want To Live: a lakehouse. just like the movie il mare.
76.Big Or Small House: medium?
77.Do You Want To Live Near People: yup.
78.Long Driveway Or Short: Short. so help arrives fast if ppl needs it.
79.Income: saving lah.
80.Cars: dark blue mini cooper with white top.
81.Walmart/Target: huh.
82.Chocolate/Vanilla: choc.
83.Night/Day: both.
84.McDonalds/Burger King: mac, since i cant eat beef.
85.Cats/Dogs: Dogs.
86.Fruits/Veggies: Both!
87.Pillows/Blankets: Both!
88.Pepsi/Coke: actually i cant tell the difference.
89.Alcohol/Weed: alcohol.
90.Reading/Writing: Reading.
91.Biggest Fear: Losing my loved ones, being rejected, making huge mistakes that'll harm ppl.
92.Compliment You Get Often: woah ure tall(argh. hate it.)
93.What Would You Change About Yourself: my weight.
94.Regrets: yes, some.
95.Gotten Arrested: nope.
96.Are You Ticklish: yeah.
97.Longest Relationship: never been in one before(okay ppl start laughing)
98.How Much TV Do You Watch: as much as i want to.
99.What color is your bedroom: lilac(so chio)
100.Are you happy: yeah =) of course not everytime lah.
i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy. i am happy.
Posted by
11:20 AM
Thursday, January 8, 2009
my latest craze.

field of depth.. so amazing...

Posted by
12:39 AM
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Saturday, January 3, 2009
a new start. starting NOW.
No More Tears - Beverly
alrightyyyyy. no more tears.(totally sick and tired of it)
gotta complete my to-do list; hopefully before the arrival of cny. well, theres quite abit of things to settle, so, chopchop!
tomorrow would be a better day. i prayed
Posted by
9:49 AM